九州大学大学院工学研究院応用化学部門 機能材料化学分野 田中研究室

日本語    /   英語


Supramolecular Group’s study was published in JACS.

Supramolecular Interface Group’s study was published in Jounal of the American Chemical Society(JACS).

【Title】Design of a Dynamic Polymer Interface for Chiral Discrimination
【Author】Atsuomi Shundo,* Koichiro Hori, Takuya Ikeda, Nobuo Kimizuka, and Keiji Tanaka
【Journal】JACS 135(28), pp.9446–9452, 2013

Functional Systems
Chemistory Course

Tanaka Laboratory

Tel: +81-(0)92-802-2878
Fax: +81-(0)92-802-2880
Room: 302, Building West-3
E-mail: k-tanaka@
(add "cstf.kyushu-u.ac.jp")